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ICF Core Set for patients with musculoskeletal conditions in the acute hospital

Stoll T, Brach M, Huber EO, Scheuringer M, Schwarzkopf SR, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G.
ICF Core Set for patients with musculoskeletal conditions in the acute hospital.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 2005. 27(7/8): 381-388.

ICF Core Set for patients with neurological conditions in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities

Stier-Jarmer M,  Grill E, Ewert T, Bartholomeyczik S, Finger M, Mokrusch T, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G.
ICF Core Set for patients with neurological conditions in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 2005. 27(7/8): 389-396.

Validating the ICF comprehensive core set for rheumatoid arthritis from the patient perspective: a qualitative study

Stamm TA, Cieza A, Coenen M, Machold KP, Nell VPK, Smolen JS, Stucki G
Validating the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Comprehensive Core Set for rheumatoid arthritis from the patient perspective: a qualitative study.
Arthritis Care & Research 2005, 53:431-439.

ICF Core Set for patients with musculoskeletal conditions in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities

Scheuringer, M, Stucki G, Huber EO, Brach M, Schwarzkopf SR, Kostanjsek N and Stoll T.
ICF Core Set for patients with musculoskeletal conditions in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 2005. 27(7/8): 405-410.

Systematic review of measures and their concepts...rehabilitation in the acute hospital and in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities

Scheuringer M, Grill E, Boldt C, Mittrach R, Müllner P, Stucki G.
Systematic review of measures and their concepts used in published studies focusing on rehabilitation in the acute hospital and in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities.
Disability and Rehabilitation, 2005. 27(7/8): 419-430.

Experts' beliefs on physiotherapy for patients with ankylosing spondylitis and assessment of their knowledge...

Mihai B, van der Linden S, de Bie R, Stucki G
Experts' beliefs on physiotherapy for patients with ankylosing spondylitis and assessment of their knowledge on published evidence in the field. Results of a questionnaire among international ASAS members.
Eura Medicophys. 2005 Jun;41(2):149-53.